November 15, 2012

Being True to Self

  So many years passed me by, so much wasted time trying to find that true place where I fit... finding me wonderful, smart and beautiful, and all along I was. Only if I had the wisdom back then, but only ifs don't count. And I can only live for today, not my yesterdays and surely not my tomorrow's.

  I know longer look for the place I fit, I really don't mind that I don't fit at all. In a world full of look alike's, and plastic faces, I am happy mine is animated...that I wear no mask at all, thou if only I could knock down some of my walls. (Oh right only ifs don't count ;but maybe if only, do.)  I do not judge look alike's or do I judge plastic faces, only point out that, that is not what I am about.

  So I am not perfect nor would I ever want to be, if I was, then there would be no room to grow. I live this one life, I live it to learn and hopefully I learn well. And if maybe on the journey I find I am going astray, I can go back and see what I learned in my yesterdays... thou I don't live there anymore, does't mean I can not learn from my past mistakes.

  True to Self, true to you, true to all...New lesson to learn, new beginning and old endings. I am looking forward to the next chapter to be written.

  Now I have a kinky partner that I call Sir, we have much fun that is for sure. He keeps me on my toes for I never know when the next blow will come to my sweet ass. And how I love to see his smile, how it brings me to my knees, I am his and that is just how I like it to be. If I was not true to me, I would of never known that I could find someone so fine...he makes me squeal and that is so divine. What a lucky women am I.

Being True...
being genuine...
being kind and understanding that is me, and there is no one else I would rather be. My good, my bad, and my is me, it is you and it is beautiful.  

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