February 13, 2013

On My Way Getting My Grove Back

I did it, I am back in the dating game....

I am going to make it fun... for now, I love to flirt, and love meeting new people. So hopefully this will put me in the up and up, take me out of my funk... and get my grove back.

I so utterly need my grove back...need a little ego feed, (we all need a little ego feed from time to time)

Also I will be able to write about more interesting stuff. I am getting bored with me, and that is never good when one gets bored with ones self.

A hunting I will go... do dawww, do dayyy

Yep...my head is in the gutter lol


  1. If it's not fun you aren't doing it right!!

    Enjoy and good luck!

    1. Yep, for sure...and I will have fun.

      Thank you Yearning...and luck is going to be what I make of it.

  2. Love the pics..

    and ooh dating, yes have fun, enjoy it, get out there..but dont do anything i wouldnt do...umm ok yeah well...lol


    1. Thank you Tori, glad you like

      I will do nothing that you would not do...promise's lol

  3. As my friend's dad used to tell us "Be good and if you can't be good, be careful!" Have fun!

    1. Good saying Mrs. D and I will be careful along with having fun :)
